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The tables have turned on the job market. To attract candidates, recruiters are getting extra creative with:  

  •  streamlined hiring processes (checkbox CVs, recruitment via QR code);  
  • entertaining campaigns (reverse interviews, escape room-style recruitment).
    And while these initiatives are making headlines, the crux of the battle is elsewhere . . .

Today, the companies that stand out are those that promote a credible employer brand. But beware: promoting your corporate values isn’t just about communication. The message itself needs to be sincere, otherwise candidates will go elsewhere: 90% of employees say they would change jobs if approached by a company with a better reputation than the one they currently work for.

Promoting your employer brand at every step

Sources: ICIMS, blog, L’inbound recruiting, c’est quoi ?, April 2021 / La Super Agence, blog, 5 choses que la Marque Employeur ne peut pas régler, March 2022 /
Digital Recruiters, blog, Qu’est-ce que la Marque Employeur ?, July 2020



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