Marketers: it’s time for some introspection!



The marketing industry is often accused of being disconnected from reality. It is hard to deny the existence of a certain predominant type: 71% of marketing and advertising professionals are Millennials (close to 3 times more than in the general population) and 52% live in the country’s largest cities (versus 36% of the population).

In terms of media consumption, there too marketers are in a league of their own:  

  • they spend 7+ more hours a week on social media than the average person;
  • and are 37% more likely to use streaming services.

But take heed! This appetence for the latest platforms and technology can quickly become a professional flaw, pushing us to minimize the general public’s attachment to traditional media.

Marketers greatly underestimate the impact of digital

Sources: RRD, The (Un)Expected Report: Comparing 2021 consumer expectations to marketer priorities, October 2021, United States data/ Vividata, survey in the fall of 2022, Canada, 18+ (marketeurs: individus travaillant dans les ventes ou le marketing et dans l’industrie des médias, de la publicité ou du cinema).



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