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While screen time is exploding and web users are collapsing under the sheer weight of all the free content available, subscription print magazines are not just defying the trend, they are even seeing a rise in new publications.  

Source:  Vividata, spring 2021, province of Quebec, 14+

Indulgence through excellence

Given the increasingly hectic nature of daily living, magazines have taken on a new dimension. More than ever before, setting aside time to read is a form of self-care. Studies show that reading material printed on paper, which is a slower and more deliberate activity, enables improved retention of the subject matter.

Source:  Vividata, spring 2021, province of Quebec, 14+

Plus, the experience of manipulating the paper helps establish connections between the content and more abstract ideas. This is an experience that is the antithesis of browsing online, where content is made for those with a short attention span.

Source: 2019 Pay Attention! report by Magnetic, UK.

The rise of niche publications

Publications offering more in-depth content, targeting fewer readers that are more loyal, are coming to the fore. Branded magazines that culture a sense of belonging and community are also gaining in popularity. Even digital giants like Airbnb, Uber, and Netflix have launched print publications in recent years!



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