Choosing to ignore the biological clock


DINK movement

Recently making a splash on social media, the DINK movement (Dual Income No Kids) is more than just a fad. Contrary to tradition, more and more young couples are choosing not to have children. And this trend seems to have been accelerated by the pandemic.

Source: Leger, 2023 Youth Study Report: Generation Z and Millennials

While a similar situation arose in the 1980s, what with women massively joining the workforce and same-sex couples becoming more open and accepted, the phenomenon is now taking even greater proportions. And the reasons for choosing not to have children are different, with many youngsters citing climate and economical uncertainties (growing financial insecurity, unaffordable housing market, etc.).

A socio-demographic trend that can't be ignored

Sources: Statistics Canada. 2021 Census of Population and Table 13-10-0417-01 Mean age of mother at time of delivery (live births) / Euromonitor International, Future of the Family Trends in Consumer Spending, 2019

A lucrative pool of consumers

Young couples with no children stand out for their strong buying power. With fewer essential expenses, smaller mortgages, and a reduced need to save (for their children’s tuition fees, for example), these consumers have more money for discretionary expenses.

A target who shops for pleasure

Source: Vividata, Spring 2023 survey, Quebec 18+/ Target: Childless couples from households where both people work full-time, excluding empty nesters

It’s all about the experience

More spending money… and, more importantly, more flexibility and time for leisure. For several years now, these consumers are among the preferred targets for travel specialists.

Ambassadors of the "experience economy"

Source: Go Van, La van life au Québec: statistiques et tendances des nomades sur la route, April 2021



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