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Where do your ad dollars get spent, and how can you ensure that your brand doesn’t get sullied by the context in which your ads are placed?

Fake news, hate speech… no one wants to be associated with such content. In fact, 76% of advertisers state they are concerned with maintaining the integrity of their brands.
And with good reason, given that $2.6 billion US is spent on ad banners that are often unknowingly placed on inappropriate sites!

Algorithmic law has its limits

The giants of digital entrust their algorithms with ad placements to facilitate lower costs. The result? Google is the originator of 48% of ad traffic to fake news sites… Aware of the flaws of its own model, the American multinational has removed 1.3 billion pages that contravene its policies and has implemented a tool that enables advertisers to remove their ads from environments they deem inadequate. These are welcome initiatives, but wouldn’t prevention be better, given how hard it is for brands to regain trust once it’s lost?

A return to more conscious ad buying

Local, responsible investment is gaining ground. Advertisers are increasingly giving preference to investing in high-quality, inclusive media. At the same time, human control is being restored, as demonstrated by the implementation of whitelists that aim to guarantee a slate of reliable sites.

Premium editor + consistent environment: The winning combination for a successful campaign!

Sources: Comscore, The Hallo Effect Premium Publisher Study, July 2016, as cited in the Responsible Media Practices Guide – A2C – CDMQ /
WARC, Context can significantly impact ad memorability, September 2021



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