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There’s action in Bas-Saint-Laurent!

Known as the “World good life reserve,” Bas-Saint-Laurent shines for its unique nature. A flagship of local tourism, nature is also one of the region’s biggest industrial drivers.

Overview of the Bas-Saint-Laurent economy

Source: Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2019 data / * list not exhaustive

The economy in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region is focused on the exploitation and transformation of natural resources. In fact, employment in the primary sector is nearly 3 times higher than in Quebec as a whole.

This reality does not prevent Rimouski and Rivière-du-Loup from ranking among the most entrepreneurial communities in Canada. The region’s strategic visions include becoming an international hub of blue economy, an objective supported by the Novarium project, which offers an incubation program for marine biotechnology, data intelligence, and maritime engineering businesses.

Large-scale, innovative businesses

Source: TVA Nouvelles, Cinq entreprises du KRTB parmi les plus grandes du Québec, June 2022

Demographic revitalization under way

After two decades marked by youth exodus, the trend seems to be changing. In 2020-2021, when many Quebecers were leaving urban centres, Bas-Saint-Laurent experienced the best migratory record in 20 years. A breath of fresh air, helping to compensate for the constant labour shortages.

Source: Radio Canada, Les jeunes, une denrée rare au Bas-Saint-Laurent, February 2022

A migratory swing to be developed

Sources: Radio Canada, Les jeunes, une denrée rare au Bas-Saint-Laurent, February 2022, and Rimouski a dépassé en 2023 le seuil des 50 000 habitants, January 2023, and Augmentation du nombre de personnes immigrantes dans l’Est-du-Québec, October 2022

Upswing in touristic attractiveness

Bas-Saint-Laurent is now a destination in its own right. In 2022, the territory was named Quebecers’ 5th favourite tourist destination, ahead of the Eastern Townships. This translated into higher occupancy rates than before the pandemic and longer stays.

2030 objective: to become a year-round destination

Source: Le Soleil, Québec octroie 6,2 M$ pour développer le tourisme au Bas-Saint-Laurent, April 2023

Additional sources: Radio-Canada, Le Bas-Saint-Laurent, destination touristique de choix en 2022 pour les Québécois, October 2022 / FCEI, Classement des collectivités entrepreneuriales au Canada : le Québec bien représenté avec la moitié du top 10, April 2019



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